Sun 26 Jan
Sweet & Sexy CALi LOViN! EROTIC Massage Here for 1 WEEK! Available NOW in ATLANTA!!! - 19
(Northwest Georgia, Atlanta Georgia)
Sweet ~ Passionate ~ Sensual 40$PECIALS *** Affordable Fun With A Quality Lady - 24
(Atlanta, 285-Candler/Panthersville rd.)
~ ~ ~Sweet Heart ~ ~GFE~ ~Tempting~ ~Erotic ~~Seductress~~ Hot N Ready (double the fun)$SPECIALS$ - 19
(Norcross In/OutEVERYWHERE)
Sweet Curvy N Petite bRaZiLian N bLaK baRBiEz Honey N London 404#543#2076 - 19
(Otp East, in/outcall)
( SuPr Sx¥ ) ♥ DoLL ~ FaCd ~ CuT¡ ♥ ( 1oO% RAL ) ♥ B¡G ~ BoOT¥ ♥ - 21
(Otp East, Stockbridge Hwy 138 Henry County)
★☆★Sweet Light Skin Beauty★☆★ Available 24/7 ☆★☆Specials Available ★☆★ 100% Accurate Photos♥♡♥ - 19
(Atlanta, Norcross, Kennesaw, Alpharetta, 400)
~~SWEAT as CANDY... 100% PLEASURE, & SATISFACTION! $40 Special~~ 404- 721- 6266 - 21
*Sweet & Tight Beauty*- *Tall & Slender Blonde Bombshell!* - *SPECIALS!* - 24 - 24
(Atlanta, 285/85)
~*~ Sweet and Sexy Curvy BBW, Come Play with these 42DDD's, Pick Me I Do It Best!~*~ - 25
(Atlanta, Buckhead / I-85 Exit 89)
Sweet _&_ S E X Y _ Perfectly _ P E T i T E _French _ KiSSiN _ Vixen _! NEW TWO Girl Specials - 24
SuP€r • S€x¥ ) ✰ D0LL _FaC€d_ CuT¡€ ♥ ( 1oO% R€aL) ✰ NiC3 _ BoOt¥ 100% real - 24
(Atlanta, college park)
Super Sweet 🍬 Panamanian Bliss!! Ready Now - 21
(Otp East, N.Druid hills road / Bhead/Dwoody incall)
*° SUPER- T-H-IC-K *° (48INCH) BIG B00TY 1OOHR - 21
Sweet Ebony Perfection... So why not INDULGE??? Super Specials AVAILABLE 4immediate appts. - 25
Sweet busty caramel Treat 🀼 Don't 🍭🍫M!ss 👀 0ut💖 💋 👄 2Juicy🍰🍎2Resist👅💦213 267 1796 - 21
(*BUCKHEAD*Dwntown & Surrounding, Atlanta)
SUP€R TiGHT JUIC€B0X ▄ ✴TRUE FR3AK✴ ▄ ✴ pleaser✴ ▄ ✴ C0ME FIX MY✴ ▄ AQUAFINAFLow✴ ▄ 🚣🚣🚣 - 25
(Otp South, Old National /Airport/ Collegepark)
SUPR FRAK¥_ *!*FL!RTY*!**!* *!*EROTIC PLAYMAT *!*__*!* ( iN&OuT; ) - 24 - 24
(Atlanta, North Druid Hills)
💋💋💋💋SuperSexy Mixed Girl Hott 🍑((INCALL SPECIAL))🍑🌺((OUT CALL SPECIAL))🌺Nice Ready & 💦💦💦 - 25
(Atlanta, Chamblee, Doraville, Gwinett, Otp North)
SuPer STACKED ((((( Super ThiCk %%%%% ((((((( Available NOW )))))) - 20
*** SUpER *** SoFt *** AnD ***** SeXY *** SeDuCtiON**** BoMbShELL! !!!!!!! !!! - 28
(Flatshoals RdStone Mtn,Lithonia,PanolaRd)
Super Sexy Sundae 🔥Ready to Play 💦i taste like a sundae 🍧 - 23
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta, Dunwoody/Perimeter)
*-:¦:-* SwEeT As HeAvEn * ★ * BuT NaUgHtY As HeLL *-:¦:-* 786.709.8897 60qk - 23
(spaghetti junction/285/85/75/20/AND 400)
❎❎❎❎❎❎❎❎❎❎❎❎ Sweet Asian Delight ❎❎❎❎❎❎❎❎❎❎❎❎ - 21
(Atlanta, Downtown Buckhead Dunwoody ♡404-565-0971)
(¯ ? ¯) P`u`R`e P `l`E`a`S`u`R`e S`e`X`y E`B`o`N`y H`o`T S`p`E`c`I`a`L`s (¯?¯) - 19
(marietta incall only ext261)
(SuPr Sx¥) ♥ ExotiC DoLL~ SLIM ~CuT¡ ♥ (1oO% RAL) ♥ (#1 CHOIC) - 21
(Atlanta, Holcomb bridge)
Super ♥ ---------- ♥ Specials ♥ ---------- ♥ FrEaKiEsT GiRl ♥ - 23
(Otp North, -:-IN & OUT dunwoody & 285-:-)
SUPERBOWL weekend specials ALL nite saturday thru all day sunday... AVAIL after 7pm sat - 30
(Otp East, stone mountain,tucker, dekalb)
**SUpER *** SoFt * * NeW **** AnD ***** IMpROVED *** SEDucTION!!!! !!!!!!! !!! - 40
(Otp East, Norcross,Covington,Stone Mtn,Lithonia)
~~~~~~ Gorgeous blue eyed Blonde ! Meet or beat any ad !! In call Out call ~~~ lingerie available - - 29
*° SUPER- T-H-IC-K *° (48INCH) BIG B00TY 1OOHR - 21
(Atlanta, special'S!!! RiverDale+OutCalls)
!!!! SuPER~ SuNDAY SpECIALs !!! GrOWN & SeXYLIsCOuS * SeDUcTiON *** BoMBShELL !!!!!!! - 40
(Atlanta, Lithonia,Decatur,Conyers,Stone Mtn)
❤ SUPER ❤ H OTT ❤ -- B-L-O-N-D-E-- ❤ - - 25
(Union City, Hartsfield-Jackson Airport))
█████ ███████ SUPER HOT BLOND NEW TO ATLANTA verified a reviewed :)███████ ███████ - 19
(Otp North, buckhead)
suPA dUpA SkiLLz BECKI nEw PiCs JusT TaKeN,,,outclls ALL Nite HOTT SPICY LATINA - 26
(Atlanta, buckhed dunwod tucker outclls)
(( SuP3R EveryTHinG )) ~~ YeS!! I LiKe IT In The ??? ~~ (( SpeCi@ls)) - 29
(Atlanta, Conyers/Incall i-20 east)
(Atlanta, your place or mine)
▉🌓▉🌓▉🌓▉🌓▉🌓▉🌓▉🌓▉🌓▉🌓▉ _SUN SAUNA___▉🔴▉🔴▉🔴▉__NEW YOUNG GIRLS ▉🌓▉🌓▉🌓▉🌓▉🌓▉🌓▉🌓▉🌓▉🌓▉ - 23
(Atlanta, C,umming ▉🌓▉🌓▉🌓▉ 678-455-4554)
🌹Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice!!🌹 Call for an Adult Playdate!!!🌹 - 25
(Atlanta, Atlanta, Marietta, Smyrna, Powdersprings)
(( *SuPeR pEtitE* )) ♥ ♥ (( *Brunette & Blonde College BeAuTies!* ))incall outcall - 21
(BuCkHeAd ArEa)
SuPeR~ *~ FrEaKy ? AvA!LaBLe >24/7< ► P H A T T E S T ASS Ever!! ► - 69
(($100 - SPECiAL - iN/OUT - $100 SPECiAL))
super F*R*E*A*K MS. UNFORGETABLE $40hhr $80hr spls 404 645 8395 NONrush Go falcons Go $50hhr $80hr - 19
(Atlanta, collegepark airport camp creek)