Thu 02 Jan
:* ¨*: {THICK} :* ¨*: {PRETTY} :*¨*: {CHOCOLATE} : *¨*: {YUM} :* ¨*: - 23
**ThiCk N' PRetty 38DDD____ TaTTooEd EbOnY blOnDe _____60/100/160_ ___ ___4 BoOtY n BoOb LoVeRs - 28
(Otp North, 285/85------- BIG B*O*O*T*Y ______IN/OUT)
The TOTAL PacKaGE! JusT wHaT u WaNT everYThinG U NeeD!!! DoNT WAIT aNy LoNgER!!!! - 24
(Atlanta, Atlanta/ Buckhead Upscale Incall)
(( The ReaL DeaL )) __ *A*__ N A U G H T Y __ {M A N S} __:T E M P T A T I O N: __$55.00 SpeciaLs!!! - 24
(Atlanta, Airport/College Park/Eastpoint)
Thai Goddess😍💋Back By Popular Demand👧👨😘110% ReAL pIcs📷😍Sexy Lynn😊😉 - 24
(Atlanta, Buckhead/atlanta outcalls, City of Atlanta)
***The best in Atlanta ***Ill make you feel sooo good ;) - 21
(Otp North, Jimmy carter peachtree ind blvd norcross)
Take a VOW To End Mediocracy & Join this Exotic Beauty That Will Blow YOUR MIND!!!
(285 & 78 East / I- 20 East)
~~~ T h e ~~~ P a r t y ~~~ G i r l s ~~~ a r e ~~~ h e r e ~~~ to ~~~ ~~~ Your ~~~ - 21
(Atlanta/North Druid Hills)
★ Stunningly Sexy, Elite & Gorgeous Mistress WILL SEDUCE & TEASE YOU ★ - 22
SUNRISE Delight ~:*:~ EXclusive!!*~* Oh So S E X Y ~:*:~ Early Birds 100$ Special
(Otp North, Alpharetta)
• -:¦:-• SToP * PLaYiN * W/ iMMATURE • -:¦:-• COME & Let a REAlly SkiLLeD & SeXy Women TREAT U Right - 28
(Otp South, Airport near Sullivan rd 285 or 85)
Soaking �💦💦 Thick PlusSize Treat 🎊 goddess 🎊 - 21
(AIRPORT AREA College park INCALL ONLY, Atlanta, Otp South)
Something $pecial!!!👅👅👅 NeW NeW. 💦💦💦 Tight. W£T. SweeT. Solé💎💎💎READ B4 U CALL!!! - 19
(Atlanta, Buckhead, Dunwoody,Sandy Spring, 2 you!, City of Atlanta)
Something New !!! Sexy Puerto Rican Treat Yesi 💕🍭 Mouth Watering I/C Specials All Night !! 💦 - 21
(Atlanta, Marietta)
sOFT sQUEEZABLE Azz, smooth lipz & GripZ ______ ( sUPER) ! (fREAK!) _________ ! ( (( 60$$SP! - 28
(Otp South, Near Sullivan Rd & Old National Hwy)
Sexy THICK Snow Bunny Jade Has Lucious Lips & Curvy Hips Ready To Plz U NOW!!!!! - 23
(Atlanta, Atlanta, college park, metro,etc...)
Sexy💋sweet💕Stress relief💦c💕m get w💦t classy fre💕k 💦have it your way in call/outcall - 21
(Atlanta, Opt south , college park , union city, Otp South)
Sexy Redbone Kat 936D) & Mixed Chick Crystal (42DDD) ***Hot ** ** Ready*** - 23
**SeXy CaRaMel TrEaT** [SEDUCTIVE] [TEMPTING] . . .Skills BEYOND Measure!! - 22
(Atlanta, **COLLEGE PARK** airport)
SEXXXY REDHEAD »-(¯`v´¯)- » ThE »-(¯`v´¯)-» T 0 T a L »-(¯`v´¯)-» P a C k A g E)) * HOT SPECIALS
60QK ♥S U P E R **♥** S O AK E R ♥ -60QK - 21
(285 riverdale//incalls)
🇮🇹💯%Real pics🇮🇹beautiful🇮🇹Latina mami🇮🇹upscale🇮🇹hablo espanol🇮🇹 - 20
(Atlanta, Downtown Peachtree Midtown Buckhead)
@@@ REVIEWED SYMMONE!! ***166552 @@@ PICS 100% ME!!!@@@SeXy FrEaK!!!@@@ - 30
(Otp East, Tucker/Stone Mntn)