Sun 26 Jan
. Sweet bottom * New Orleans Finest * Out calls only 504-308-2319 - 21
(Otp North, local Kennesaw.,Marietta,Smyrna out. cal)
☔️Super slippery 😻 HuRry🏃💋don't miss out on the best!👅Ima Bad Girl 👅💋👅 I Wanna Do Bad Things! - 22
(Atlanta, Otp East, Stone Mountain)
❦ Supr ThiCk & YuMMy!! #1 ChoiCe!! Sxy bony BBw! Available Now!! (Specials!) ღ - 28
(Atlanta, Marietta)
SuPPeRR Thickk【 1OO%REAL DEAL 】 🔵🔴🔵【Fit For A Champ】 🔴🔵🔴 【#1 WANTED】 🔴🔵🔴 Legs Upppp】🔴🔵🔴 - 23
(Otp South, 75 South Mcdonough Exit 216)
Sweet as a Georgia Peach Come See 80Hhr Specials - 23
(Otp North, Atalanta, Ga Marritta Peachtree-Dunwoody)
Sweet And Sexy Mocha Flavored Dominican Treat...Wanna Taste? Call me 347.370.5254 - 22
(Otp South, 75 north)
.*¨¨*-:¦:-* SwEeT & KiNkY .*¨¨*-:¦:-* .... Perfect Little Kitty ...***OUT SPECIALS*** - 21
(( ( Amazing Encounters at Your Place ) ))
**Sweet BLONDE Sexy Petite Treat** _ _ _ SIMPLY _ IRRESISTIBLE _ _ _**Don't Miss Out!!**Specials - 25
**Super Sweet Sexy and Thick Ga Peach** $80special - 27
(Otp South, Sandy Springs, Dunwoody, Perimeter area)
•• SuPeR T!GHT SuPeR JU!CY•• DeLiCiOUs CauCAsiAN G0ddeSS ReaDY N0W!! Caution: { Yes I am a FREAK } - 26
(Atlanta, Alpharetta / Windward pkwy / ga400)
SUPER SEXY petite italian bombshell , look no further, companionship at its finest , ...... - 23
(Otp North, the southside)
SuPeR BiG BooBies ~*~YuMMy Taste ~*~ So HOT'n SeXxXy ~*~WeT & CreaMy ~*~(*(*36DD*)*) ~*~$60 Specials - 23
(ATL Airport / College Park)
(( SuP3R EveryTHinG )) ~~ YeS!! I LiKe IT In The ??? ~~ (( SpeCi@ls)) - 29
(Atlanta, Conyers/Incall i-20 east)
SUNDAY SPECIAL Bi - Curious fun sexy couple (Atlanta -Alpharetta) - 29
(Otp North, Alpharetta and surrounding areas)
☆SuPeR JUiCY ☆ {MaK3 M3 @ssUM3 THE PO$!T!0N}☆ AM@ZiNG L!PS☆KiLLeR CuRvEs ☆ - 20
* :*: * STUNNING . :*: * GORGEOUS :*: * & SOOO SEXXY * :*: * Ebony Playmate - 24
(Atlanta, Atlanta/85/285)
**``~~~ Strawberry Special ~~~``** with CARAMEL on the side!!!! ~~THIS IS IT~~** - 19
Stop✋ you've found her!!💋 💯% Real & Recent Pics.. Come Have Fun - 23
(Atlanta, Buckhead ***Incall only***)
strawberry ♡♡♡let me 4 fill your dreams ♥50 special!!$$404-889-0391 - 28
(Atlanta, candler & flat shoals rd)
※* ~*SuGG@ *~ SpRiNkLeD BBW * $PECIAL$* S&M;* FaNtAsY & FeTiShEs - 24
(Augusta, °∴*GoRdOn HiGhWaY*°∴°)
I'm Back "NEW PIC'S & Video" Sexy Busty Ebony Promise 2 do all The Things SHE won't!
(Alpharetta & Roswell InCalls)
START UR DAY OFF GREAT (SPANISH BLACK ITALIAN ) all the flavors in 1, nonrushed GREAT time - 23
(20 EAST)
______°° SU PER-- -_____°° ★°° _____WE TT---°° ★ °°_____ CU-- T--I---E° - 18
Stuff more then a turkey today! Go d**p into my endzone! Steamy VIDEO & SPECIALS$ - 26
(Atlanta, Atlanta/Galleria area off of I-75)
(conyers/EVANS MILL rd./out-calls)
* :.★STOP STOP* :.$$ 50 $$ Special (¯`'.¸+CLICK (¯`'.¸+ON+ ¸.'´¯) ME ¸.'´¯) - 23
(Tucker, Decatur, Lawerenceville Hwy)
Start your Night off with Barbie ❤️ Then And up with India 💯💯👯 let's Finish your night Right - 23
(Atlanta, Everywhere)
strawberry ♡♡♡let me 4 fill your dreams♥50 special!!$$$ 762-231-3139 - 28
(Atlanta, candler & flat shoals rd)
{{ STOP }} L O O K !! i PrOMisE YoU'LL gET HOoKeD_HiGhLy (AdDicTiVE) wHiTe & LaTiN TrEaT!! - 21
((( S@Tisf@cTioN Not JuST Attr@cTioN ))) ~~ YeS!! I LiKe IT In The ??? ~~ (( GRoWN WoMaN SkiLLs - 29
(Atlanta, In: i-20 east Conyers/Covington)
SPECIALS!New To Backpage !!! Carmel Delight Sweeter Than Honey !!!SPecials! - 20
(Atlanta, MARIETTA/IN)
Start 🎀 The 💋 New Year 👯off ♥ With A 💣B.A.N.G. 🔫 With 💞 Lola 💖Love's 60.00 Special - 22
(Otp North, Windy Hill rd/ Marietta)
SPeCialS!♥WILD♥ UPSCALE ♥SEXY♥ ):: ( ♥PlaYMaTE♥)All NaTuRaL .GEnTLeMen's ChOiCE ** SPeCiALS!* - 21
(Atlanta, ATLANTA-/ Incall &Out; calls 24/7, City of Atlanta)
Specials 💦 💯% Ple🅰sure 💎 •🅱ody of a Goddess 💃🏾 BADDEST 🏆 Available Now 😊 - 22
(Atlanta, Otp South, Stockbridge Ellenwood McDonough)
((( SpeCials ))) ~~ ** UnDeniable ChoCoLaTe Beauty w/ BooTy ** ~~ ((( SpeCials ))) - 28
(Conyers INCALLS)
SPECIALS now Im ready ! 70 an hour! lower rates begin at 50. KINGS treatment SPECIAL 1OO - 30
(Otp East, stone mountain, s hairston)
SpeCials on 30m or More! UpScale Talent For The Suave Boss! Adult Film Starlet. No Cheap Men Please - 27