Sun 26 Jan
🍭 🍦[SweET AS HEAveN]🍦🍭 •💋• [ BAD As H€LL ] •♥• [UPSCALE ] •👠• [ Call me now ] •👠• - 23
(Otp South, •★• §tockbridge •★•)
Sweet Mixed Caramel Cutie with a Round Bootie Outcalls - 24
(Atlanta, Canton Woodstock Kennesaw Marietta)
SUWANEE buford FLOWERY branch~~THURSDAY special 60/hr BEFORE 2pm - 30
(Otp North, 85N / mall of ga / buford/ suwanee)
~ ~ ~Sweet Heart ~ ~GFE~ ~Tempting~ ~Erotic ~~Seductress~~ Hot N Ready (double the fun)$SPECIALS$ - 19
(Norcross In/OutEVERYWHERE)
.*¨¨*-:¦:-* SwEeT & KiNkY .*¨¨*-:¦:-* .... Perfect Little Kitty ...***OUT SPECIALS*** - 21
(( ( Amazing Encounters at Your Place ) ))
SUPER Specials! SATURDAY till 5PM! 100/2hrs and 70/hr UP all nite!! 678 780 8534 BUCKhead ! - 30
(Atlanta, BUFORD, gainesville, lula)
(( SuP3R EveryTHinG )) ~~ YeS!! I LiKe IT In The ??? ~~ (( SpeCi@ls)) - 29
(Atlanta, Conyers/Incall i-20 east)
Stressfree Erotic Specials with A Sexy Big Booty Chick - 27
(Otp South, 675 South of Ellenwood Area)
"SUNSHINE" w/ a lotta "FLAVA" **** Sunday Specials******* Come Get a TASTE!!!!!!!! ******* - 23
I'm Back "NEW PIC'S & Video" Sexy Busty Ebony Promise 2 do all The Things SHE won't!
(Alpharetta & Roswell InCalls)
~Stunning Blonde Playmate For Your Sensual Pleasure~Erotic ex I danced - 25
(Atlanta, marietta/ 75n/ woodstock/ Kennesaw/285)
Stuff more then a turkey today! Go d**p into my endzone! Steamy VIDEO & SPECIALS$ - 26
(Atlanta, Atlanta/Galleria area off of I-75)
Start your Night off with Barbie ❤️ Then And up with India 💯💯👯 let's Finish your night Right - 23
(Atlanta, Everywhere)
Star Your Day Off With Me !! 40spc 40spc !!! Will Be Running Specials All Day Long !!! - 20
(Otp East, I-20 east/lithonia)
((( S@Tisf@cTioN Not JuST Attr@cTioN ))) ~~ YeS!! I LiKe IT In The ??? ~~ (( GRoWN WoMaN SkiLLs - 29
(Atlanta, In: i-20 east Conyers/Covington)
SPeCialS!♥WILD♥ UPSCALE ♥SEXY♥ ):: ( ♥PlaYMaTE♥)All NaTuRaL .GEnTLeMen's ChOiCE ** SPeCiALS!* - 21
(Atlanta, ATLANTA-/ Incall &Out; calls 24/7, City of Atlanta)
((( SpeCials ))) ~~ ** UnDeniable ChoCoLaTe Beauty w/ BooTy ** ~~ ((( SpeCials ))) - 28
(Conyers INCALLS)
SPECIALS MEN of Buford, Dahlonega and Gainesville! TONITE 120 for 2 hours! and 300 for ALL nite! - 30
(985 n Buford/gainesville/MARIETTA)
: SPECIALS▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ ExOtIc BeAuTiEs█ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂SPECIALS - 20
(Atlanta, Atlanta/Outcalls/Incalls)
SpEcIaLs!!! ♥— SUPER—HOT ———— **♥** ———— BLONDE FANTASY **♥** HoTt SPECIALS - 26
(Otp North, norcross)
Special Incall ONLY🌸🌸🌸 (¯`•❤❤•´¯) G_O_R_G_E_O_U_S •❤❤• L_I_T T L E •❤❤• C_U_T_I_E (¯`•❤❤•´¯) - 23 - 23
(Atlanta, mid Town)
-*-*- So Sexy ,PeTiTe, & YUMMY so Who WanTs 2 KeeP Me COMING -*-* Im Waiting To SHOW U PLEASURE!!!! - 26
(Atlanta, DOWNTOWN/MIDTOWN/atlantic station)
(((SMooTh THiCk ChoCoL@Te))) HoW EVER U WaNt It [✔] WheN U WaNt It [✔] - 29
(Conyers Incalls.. I-20 East)
SmAcKable BoOty ** SOFT & Juicy ... LET me COME over& PLEASE U... 757-37Tw0-3143 - 69
((24-7) DUNWOODY (in/out) JONESBORO)
💕Slim caramel cutie💕 4_UR_Pleasure😛outcall only😘😙😗😍💵🙈😻 - 23
(Airport area and southside downtown buck, Atlanta, City of Atlanta)
💛✨Slim🔹 Fit🔹Petite 🔹Goddess✨💛 💖😻✨Prettiest 😻😻Kitty😻😻 In Atlanta✨😻💖 💦💧🌟Its Me You Want🌟💧💦~🏆Amara🏆 - 21
(Atlanta, Buckhead, City of Atlanta)
¤ Sky Your Kinky Stewardess¤ *Specials All Day* - 24
(Otp East, panola rd/ Lithonia/ Decatur/Conyers)
Slim Girls Do It Better!!! Freak Specials All Night/Early Morning. - 25
(Atlanta, Cumberland Pkwy, paces ferry, vinnings)
-.:*¨!*:-:¦:- {=SLiM=} ____ {=SEXY=} ____ {=ExOtiC SNOW BUNNY=} ____ {=REAL PiCS=} -:¦:-.:*¨!*: - 20
(Atlanta, ATL.Gwuinette.Tuker.smyrna.etc)
💋* ••••► Sneak Away & Let's Play ❤ LeT ME ★BE YouR ★MoUTh WaTeRIng💋 DeLiciOUs SnACk• ★ 💋 - 22
(Atlanta, Midtown/Buckhead --Incall&Outcall;)
___~SmoKinG hOt BUsTy BeaUtY ~ ViSiTinG nOw!! __^dOnT miSs oUt!! incall/ outcall avAil.. - 21
(Atlanta, atlanta//incall/out)
****?Slippery Wet Diamond -DaddyCUMtomy Place or Your Palace is ok....? - 22
☛ SKIP the FAKE KITTY - I GOT ALL the SWEET and JUICY YOU NEED!~~~ Private Incall~ ☚
(Stone Mountain Lithonia Conyers 285/78)
SiMplY AmaZZing!!! !~EXotiC ChyNaDoLL~ SPeCialS AVailable RiTe nOw!!! & See Gr8 ReViewS!!! - 22
Slim big booty upscale beauty $40 Incall Specials Panola rd Incall Specials - 24
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta, Conyers stone mountain Lithonia Decatur)
.•👇🎀🍥Sit-N-Spin Barbie🍥🎀👇•. 💎υℓтιмαтє Ѕριииєя💎 ⓣⓘⓖⓗⓣ ρℓαумαтє🐰 💦Ѕυρєя Ѕσαкєя💦🚪Private Residence🚪 - 21
(Atlanta, Buckhead-private residential location, City of Atlanta)
SKIP the TRAFFIC «╝ xXcape 2 ╚» S:A:S:S:I:E'S S:e:r:v:!:¢:e S:t:a:t:i:Ø;n «╝
(>>>> 85N & JC Blvd<<<<)
~~~~~Seductive Sweet And Sexy Saturday w/ SPECIALS AlL DaY~~~~~ - 23
(Otp North, Chamblee Tucker 285)
SEDUCTIVE °•*•° { SexY }♥ Busty & Curvy *•° ((Redhead)) •*•FuN°--&-- WiLd! - 25
SExXxY EXoTiC & Deliciously Kinky!!!!! The Perfect Combination For a Taste of Seduction!
💋SeEk No FuRtHeR..YoUr NeW BuSTY & B¡G ~ BoOt¥ PRinCEss.💋 Is HeRe & R€ÂП TÕ §ÂTi§F¥ YoU!!! - 22
(Atlanta, *Unbeatable in/out-call specials)
(SeXxiNeSS) -:¦:-. (IN) -:¦:-(EVERY) -:¦:-(WaY-) :¦:-c0me AnD ---;{{{pLaY }}} - 24
(Atlanta, buckhead 85n)
●♥● *** See why redheads do it best*** █ ▄ █ ▄ AVAILABLE All Night ●♥● - 22
**(Ready To Play)** --->* Lets Have A* =----> **(CHOCOLATE FANTASY)**$$ Ready Now $$ - 20
***Ready 2 Fulfill*** YOUR FANTASY*** Taste the RAINBOW of FLAVORS!!!! - 21
Tue 21 Jan
☆ yOuR EvErY WeT DrEaM CoMe TrUe ☆ ==LOTS OF NEW PIX== SPECIALS - 21
🎀Yummy & Kissable💋💋💋I Promise My Pix Are Real!!InCall Only - 69
(Atlanta, Atlanta/Buckhead Upscale Location)