Tue 21 Jan
TOUCHDOWN!!You SCORED I am Good and NOBODY can treat you better!(404)902-0760Yes I'm. still awake! - 27
(Otp East, Conyers Covington Lithonia Decatur)
⚫❤⚫TiGhT PUZZI ReDbOnE GODDESS ⚫💋⚫ LADY RED ⚫💋⚫ $30 $60 $100 Specials💯 REAL⚫❤⚫ - 23
(Atlanta, buford hwy doraville chamblee tucker)
★ ★ ★ •*¨*• TOPNOTCH •*¨*• MODEL • •*¨*• CoME ★ PlAY •*¨*• WITH ★ ME •*¨*• NOW •*¨*• ★ ★ ★ - 26
█▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀█►►► TOP CHOICE ◄◄█▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀█ EXOTIC✿COMPANION █▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀█ (512) 660-332 █▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀█ - 22
♧THORNTON RD♧ ____ ___ S___E___ X___Y____ _____ M___I___ X__E___D_____ _ ____ G____I ___R____L ____ - 22
(Otp South, Thornton Rd 20W in/out)
IF Better Is Even Possible, GOOd is Not Enough*** TIFFANY IS SQUIRTASTIC
ThIs Is OnE SeXy WoMaN -- GrEeN iEyEs AnD HoT -*- SeXy AnD PaSsIoNaTe -*- ErIcA - 39
(Otp North, North Atlanta/ Incall/Outcall)
Thick Chocolate Big Booty Freak.. Lookin To do it All LOOK INSIDE HERE Jimmy Carter - 24
(Otp North, chamble norcross tucker jimmy carter 85)
--- (== THE WINNER ==) --- ((nEwLy ReViEwEd)) --- (==BUSTY BrUnEtTe==) - 21
(Atlanta, 285-in and out)
The Real STAR is Back.👌 No Worries..30m Specials Available - 20
(Atlanta, Otp South, union city incall)
******* *** ===== ----- THE NEWEST AND FINEST ASIAN BABES ==**** TOO SENSUAL!!! ***** - 26
(Gainesville, Atlanta Hwy exit 17)
The Juiciest Treat In The City Is Ready To Be Bitten Rare sbbw More To Play With Tonite!!!!! - 22
(Atlanta, your place)
T!GHT :: ( ♥TENDER♥ ) :: ( ♥FREAKY♥ ) ::enticing:: ( ♥SEXY BUSTY BLONDE♥ ):: ( ♥im ready now ♥) - 22
(Otp South, Stockbridge Incalls Only)
ThE BesT Neck Specialist In Da SoUtH💋Mouth so MAGICAL YouR mind will stay HAZED 💋✘✘✘RATED •*♡💦 💦 - 27
(Atlanta, Marietta Atlanta North InCalls Only)
****TERid 152866 &146620 best white puzzy in .... ( BUCKHEAD) .... sluttest Blonde slut - 21
(buckhead incalls)
-THE*____ *CURE* _______ *PLUS _______ *SIZE* _______ *EBONY* _______ *ADDICTION* - 27
Tasty •°♥°• cLasSy •° ♥°• All NatUraL bEautY •°♥°• aVaiLabLe nOw To SaTisFy yOuR EVERY nEed♥ - 22
(Atlanta, Peachtree dunwoody)
**TaLL Sexy glAss oF AquaFina" MesMeRiziNg NiAgAra FaLLs! (LoVely NewCuumers!)** - 20
(Atlanta, Marietta, Dunwoody, Perimeter, Buckhead, Otp North)
@*@* T O T A L L Y @*@* H O T !!! N E W @*@* B L O N D E @*@* S P E C I A L S @*@* - 22
(Atlanta, UNION CITY)
Tag Team Duo Specials $$$ 2 4 100 all day !!!!!!!!! or just 1 - 25
(((SUPERSEXY )) °°★°° ((CURVY)) °°★°° ((BLONDE)) °°★°° ((AVAiLABLE NOW)) - 22
(Otp East, conyers)
💁SWEET & 18❗❕❗❕Outcall 80🌷🌷🌷💁 FUN SIZED && THICK 🔥🌟💦 see what makes CANDI sweet 👅👀👄 - 18
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta, Otp North, Otp South, Otp West, South,downtown,midtown,buckhead)
🍭 🍦[SWEET AS HEAVEN]🍦🍭 •💋• [ BAD As HeLL ] •♥• [UPSCALE ] •👠• [ Independent] ] •👠• - 20
(Otp North, Marietta Windy Hill Rd Smyrna incall)
* Super Star performance * Super Specials all Night * So good you willl want to stay * - 37
(Atlanta, 285, lawrenceville hwy, Tucker)
SUPER SEXY SOUTHside STALLION ***** Face DWON azzzz zzzz Up *****specials - 20
********SuPER **** SeXYLIsCOuS *** SeDUcTiON *** BoMBShELL !!!!!!! - 27
(Riverdale,Forest Park,Midtown,Stone Mtn)
(((((((((((( SuPeR FrEaKy ))))) (((((((((; WhItE GiRl !!))))))))))))) - 18
(Atlanta, metro atlanta area)
Super Thick~😘Incalls Only~100% me or its free~Early Bird~Up Late Night~ - 25
(Otp South, Griffin-Hampton (private residence))
Super freaky Friday 40$pecials ***Start the weekend off in ME! ***** - 24
(Atlanta, Mins from...Windy hill rd &Atlanta; rd)
(( SuPeR (S)(E)(X)(Y) SPaNiSH {} ROSE BRiCK HoUSe {} DeLiCiOUs SCooP of BuTTerPeCaN RiCaN ) SPECIALS - 27
(Atlanta, buckHEAD AFTeRmidNiTe DeLieGHT SpeciaL)
Super Sexy SEDUCTIVE is BaCk By POPULAR DeMaNd!!! GeT Me While U CaN!!!! - 22
(Atlanta, 85N and Chamblee Tucker Rd. (in/out))
Super Hot upscale companion Samantha -- Prebook Wednesday 3/10 - 19
(Otp North, Peachtree Dunwoody rd)
~~SUPeR~~ MODeL~~ BOdY~~ **SwEET ANgEL** I-75 EXIT 235 ((( 50spc ))) - 21
(Atlanta, Airport area/my place)
SupeR Curvy ExotiC ViXen»AvaiLabLe 24/7 CaLL Me Now - 19
(Atlanta, Outcalls/In Mountain Ind /StoneMtn)
Super Busty 44DD Blonde Magazine Model and Star, Kaylakupcakes is Here in ATLANTA 01/09/14 - 39
(Atlanta, Atlanta- Perimeter)
100% G.F.E. DFK,Bebe Jay, Bck D00R . .Anythings Goes In the 15 Min, 30 Min or The Hour - 20
(Chamblee Dunwoody)
♥• ▅ ▃ ▂▂ ▃ ▅ •♥StOp!!♥• ▅ ▃ ▂▂ ▃ ▅ •♥ CLiCk♥• ▅ ▃ ▂▂ ▃ ▅ •♥ Me♥• ▅ ▃ ▂▂ ▃ ▅ •♥SpEciAlz ((New)) - 22
(Otp South, Residence 🏠285 south Airport ✈)
STOP.....LOOK ,NO ..FUTHER SEXY Pleaser Waiting for YOU - 29
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta, Norcross /otp)
STOP! STOP!. ATTENTION! R34l G3ntLEMENS ONLY!...:) ****THEY kno jUST how 2 HANDLE ME!:)... **** - 22
(Otp East, 285 east)