Mon 27 Jan
*WEBSITE/VIDEO PROOF INSIDE** Gorgeous😍 10inch🍆 hung Goddess👸 (Visiting 1day!) TS Chanel Monroe - 23
(Airport area /85 south, Atlanta)
Sun 26 Jan
Super Sec Si ((( Non-Hood )))Ts CHA CHA has the"CURE" for the BACKPAGE BLUES!!! Chamblee Doraville - 26
(Chamblee Doraville)
Super Sec SiTs CHA CHA is Back with the "CURE" for the BACKPAGE BLUES!!! - 26
(Chamblee/Doraville-Central ATL)
Special Special Special...Light skin model Special ready and - 22
(Atlanta, Anywhere you need me to be/atlanta)
Sexy *Hips *Thighs* No Lies {{{ TS Bella 100% Real Pics }}} specials *no rush*no fuss* 281 901 9630 - 24
(college park/airport area)
Sexy *Hips *Thighs* No Lies {{{ freaky shemale }}} $50 special *no rush*no fuss* 281 901 9630 - 24
(college park/airport area)
---- --LeaVn Sunday MorNing --(281) 901-9630----Big Booty Bella---$140h ---- -------- --- - 24
(off old national -leaving Sunday Morning)
**** Im BaCk !!!! **** Big Booty TS TiNy ***** Nigerian Princess **** special weekday rates - 20
(college park/old national)
I AM The Bachelor's Best Friend & The Married Man's Best Kept Secret!! *** Airport / Virginia Ave - 26
(AIRPORT Virginia Ave)
HARDCORE FUN█▒ █▒ ►╠╣OT ★VERSITLE T.girl💰 💰 ★ █▒PARTY GIRL █▒ HUNG 9 FF █▒ █▒ ► - 25
Got The BaCkPaGe BLUES??? SuPeR SeC Si "Power Bottom" Ts CHA CHA is The REMEDY!!! - 26
(Chamblee/Doraville area)
** Big Booty Bella ***** new pics !!!!!! ****** 281 *** 901 **** 9630 call for rates - 24
(off old national -godby rd)
Tue 21 Jan
Ts ChA ChA The HoTTesT ((( Non-Hood))) Sec Si Est Shortest TS in Town!!! MARIETTA - 26
(AIRPORT/College Park)
Ts ChA ChA The HoTTesT ((( Non-Hood))) Sec Si Est Shortest TS is Back!!! - 26
(Chamblee/Doraville area)
Super Sec Si ((( Non-Hood ))) Ts Cha Cha The Hottest Sexiest TS BOTTOM Around!!!Go Heat Go!!! - 26
(Indian Creek/Decatur)
Tired Of Fakes ??? (281) ** (901) ** (9630) Soft body,BIG BOOTY *¨¨* Available all Weekend - 24
(incall-85n jimmy carter to holcomb bridg)
**** Quickie Special !!!! **** Big Booty TS TiNy ***** Nigerian Princess **** QUICKIE SPECIALS - 2147483647
(college park(Quickie Specials))
---- --NeW ReCeNt PicS --(281) 901-9630----Big Booty Bella--- $80hh/$120h --------- ------------ --- - 21
(airport area)
** Nigerian Princess TS Tiny, a Simply stunning transsexual girl **** special rates *** - 20
(AIRPORT/old national)
IM BACK •••►TS Diamond 281 736 0758 •❶ == ☆BBW BEST _ CHOICE ☆ == ★ - 26
(Atlanta, buckhead-lindbergh (in/out))
Got The BACKPAGE BLUES??? Then RED HOT SuPeR SeC Si Ts CHA CHA Is The Cure!!! - 26
(Chamblee Tucker/Druid Hills area)
Got The BACKPAGE Blues??? Super Sec Si SmOkInG ReD HoT"POWER BOTTOM" TS Cha Cha Has The Cure!!! - 26
(Chamblee/Doraville area)
**** Im BaCk !!!! **** Big Booty TS TiNy ***** Nigerian Princess **** special weekday rates - 20
(college park/old national)
** Big Booty Bella ** college park ** New 100% Real Pics !!! ****** 281 *** 901 **** 9630 * - 24
(I285(riverdale rd)/I85(old national))
>>>> >>>> BIG BOOTY *8inches FF (281) (901) (9630) $80special >> new location
❤ 10'HuNg FF• ❤ ❤ Black and Indian—• .★VISITiNG •❤ TOP & BTTM Specials 40/60/100 - 23
(Atlanta, ****Stone Mountain/MEMORIAL DR*****)
>>>> >>>> BIG BOOTY *8inches FF (281) (901) (9630) $80special >> new location
1_O_O_% * R_E_A_L!!! * - _TS_bella * BIG BOOTY * FACEBOOK LINK INSIDE * - 25
(norcross-jimmy carter to holcomb bridge)
$80/$120 (¯ `281 '.'´¯) * ThIcK SeXy NeW pIcS* (¯`' 901 .¯)(¯`' 9630 .¸) $80/$120 - 24
(old national highway -godby rd)
(WEBSITE)[•🌟🌟] THE REAL Mistress TILA [🌟🌟]—•10.5 Package ! •—•? [•🌟🌟•] WEBSITE PROOF - VERIFY ME!! - 24
(Atlanta, ATLANTA AIRPORT AREA - Heavy Shooter!!)
** Nigerian Princess TS Tiny, a Simply stunning transsexual girl **** special rates *** - 20
(AIRPORT/old national)
*WEBSITE/VIDEO PROOF INSIDE** Gorgeous😍 10inch🍆 hung Goddess👸 (LEAVING TUESDAY!) TS Chanel Monroe - 23
(Airport area, Atlanta)
Sat 11 Jan
I'm The Bachelor's Best Friend & The Married Man's Best Kept Secret- Hot Str8s & Newbies Welcomed!!! - 26
Tue 07 Jan
$60 (¯ `281 '.'´¯) ThIcK SeXy GuRl nExT DooR (¯`' 901 .¯)(¯`' 9630 .¸) $60 Early MorningSpecial - 24
(old national highway(60 special)godby rd)
(281) * ¨Big Booty Bella ¨*-:¦* (901) *¨:-* (9630) 100% Real Pics *¨¨*:* Facebook Verified - 25
Got The BACKPAGE BLUES??? Then RED HOT SuPeR SeXy Ts CHA CHA Is The Cure!!! - 26
(Atlanta, Chamblee Tucker/Druid Hills area)
Mon 06 Jan
1 of Houston's Hottest & SeCi Est TS Versa PoWeR Bottoms -SuPer SeC Si Ts CHA CHA!!! Visiting!!! - 26
(DOWNTOWN/Upscale Hotel)
*** (281) ** (901) **(9630) **Big Booty Freak. In College Park TS Bella** Quickie Special******* - 21
(college park-godby rd)
$50 special !!!!!! {{{ TS Bella Erotic Massages also }}} specials *no rush*no fuss* 281 901 9630 - 24
(college park/airport area)
~~ OnLy HeRe TiL FrIdAy **** ~~~~ Tiny ~ Cum Get It ~~~~ weekday specials - t4m (college park) - 20
(old ntnl/ godby rd)
---- --Only BaCk 4 A FeW Days --(281) 901-9630----Big Booty Bella $140h ------- -------- --- - 21
(airport area)
Sun 05 Jan
Ts ChA ChA The HoTTesT ((( Non-Hood))) Sec Si Est Shortest TS in Town!!! AIRPORT / Virginia Ave - 26
(Airport/Virginia Ave)
Tumblr/ video inside 10" 🐎 Gorgeous visiting Goddess 1day - TS Chanel Monroe - 24
(Airport, Atlanta)
(281) *¨¨*-:¦:-* (901) *¨¨*-:¦:-* (9630) 100% Real Pics *¨¨*-:¦:-* Facebook Verified - 25
(85n jimmy carter to holcomb bridge)
ATT: All TOPS!!!Super Sec Si POWER Bottom TS Cha Cha is the answer to ATL's TOP HEAVY Problem!!! - 26
(Chamblee/Doraville area)
New PICTURES New PROOF★🆕★Have it YOUR waY★🆕★ 💏🐴🍆💦 ★🆕💋Texas Finest🆕★🎉🚬PARTY GAL💊🚬★🆕 - 27
(Atlanta, Symrna/Marietta 💏Great Specials)
Sat 04 Jan
IM BACK •••►TS BBW HEAVEN 281 736 0758 •❶ == ☆BBW BEST _ CHOICE ☆ == ★ - 26
(Atlanta, buckhead-lindbergh (in/out))
* BIG BOOTY* SOFT,SMOOTH SKIN***VERIFY ME*** ( facebook link inside) *Bella (281) (901) (9630) - 25
(85n jimmy carter to holcomb bridge)
$pend A RAiNy NiTe N Ga with SuPer SeC Si POWER BOTTOM Ts CHA CHA!!! Last Wknd!!! - 26
(Atlanta, Central Atlanta)
$60 (¯ `281 '; ¸.'´¯) BiG BooTy BeLLA (¯`' 901 .; ¸.'´¯)(¯`' 9630 .¸) $60 Early MorningSpecial - 24
(old national highway(60 special)godby rd)
1_O_O_% * R_E_A_L!!! * - _TS_bella * NEW LOCATION* FACEBOOK LINK INSIDE * - 25
Fri 03 Jan
* BIG BOOTY* SOFT,ALL NATURAL** 100% REAL PICS ( facebook link inside) *TS Bella (281) (901) (9630) - 25
Super Sec Si Ts Cha Cha The Hottest Sexiest TS BOTTOM Around!!! No Fake Pix Here!!! Go Heat Go!!! - 26
(I-85/Shallowford Rd Ex. 93)
Ts ChA ChA The HoTTesT ((( Non-Hood))) Sec Si Est Shortest TS in Town!!! Chamblee Doraville - 26
🏩👅 F®∈AⓚY FuN💦👠💋 10 inches FF 💦💦💦💪🏾🍭BADD GIRL👙💦😍M i L ⓚ Sh🅰ⓚ∈💦【δωεε†】👑💯✔️ツ & HUNG - 23
(Atlanta, Perimeter Mall/ Dunwoody)
DULUTH * special * - _TS_bella * NEW LOCATION* FACEBOOK LINK INSIDE * - 25
Thu 02 Jan