Tue 21 Jan
💖💖💖💖ToDay New SexyLatinas In Tow💖💖💖COME NOW 💖💖💖Sexy girls All the time💖💖4048514148💖💖💖 - 21
(Atlanta, 2859 BUFORD HWY NE GA)
Top Notch GFE Provider Incall And Outcall Specials Great Reviews - 32
(Atlanta Metro / My House Smyrna)
Treat yourself >> Beautiful ©aramel UPSCALE vixxen. .100% Real ⸮⸮DON'T MISS OUT ⸮⸮⸮!! - 22
(Atlanta, your place .)
💋💦tOp NoTcH Dominique & Stacy 👠 📞 24/7 ✨ 💃 2 girl specials available💥$100 OUTCALLS $100 👠📞 💋 - 29
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta, OUTCALLS 💋 YOUR PLACE)
★ ★ ★ •*¨*• TOPNOTCH •*¨*• MODEL • •*¨*• CoME ★ PlAY •*¨*• WITH ★ ME •*¨*• NOW •*¨*• ★ ★ ★ - 26
Treat yourself >> Beautiful ©aramel UPSCALE vixxen. >>⸮⸮DON'T MISS OUT ⸮⸮⸮!! - 22
(Atlanta, atlanta > Your place)
TIGHT ** JUICY ** DRIP'N WET ** PuErTo RiCaN ** PuSSy ** PaPi ** CuM GeT It ! H/H 80 SwAllOw iT All - 24
💣💥⌚️💥💣TIC TOC 💣💥⌚️💥💣 happy Monday boys 💣💥⌚️💥💣LATINAS in town💣💥⌚️💥💣404-851-4148 call now💣💥⌚️💥💣 - 21
(Atlanta, 2859 BUFORD HWY NE GA)
%+++%%ThIcK ** VaniLLa^^ DeLiCiouS^^ SeDucTreSS*^* 100% Real PiCs!! %+++% - 29
(Otp North, N Atlanta/85/Chamblee/or your place)
"The Topic Of Discussion" *CHERRI* "Can Do It" @ - 27
(Atlanta, Stone Mountain/Gwinnet/Tucker/decatur/85)
The pics speak for themselves. I'm petite White girl that is tight in all the right places. - 22
{{The Most EXOTIC GirLs Around}} ___ & ___ WeLL Reviewed ___ IndiaN_ Asian_ Caucasian & Ebony Girls - 21
(Atlanta, Metro Atlanta Incalls & Outcalls)
There _ is _ NO _ s u b s t i t u t e! ===> The _ O N E _ and _ O N L Y ===> CuRVy BLONDE PRiNCeSS - 24
(Blondes ... have ... more ... fun!)
💗💗----------->The tightest, sweetest VIXEN you'll ever have the pleasure if meeting ... 💗💗 - 29
(Atlanta, Otp East, Tucker / Lawrenceville Highway / 285)
~*The Kitten You WantTo Get Into*~@ 513)) 739-8949 Im "Yumm Yumm" - 21
▇ ♛THE ☆PERFECT ☆TREAT♥▇▇♥▇ ♡ —♥█ ★CLiCK ME _ CALL ME _ ENJ0Y ME★█ ♥— ♡ ▇ AVAILABLE NOW!!!!! - 25
(Atlanta, In/ & Outcalls 24/7)
{{The Most EXOTIC GirLs Around}} New Pics & WeLL Reviewed ___ IndiaN_ Asian_ CaucasIan & Ebony Girls - 21
(Atlanta, Metro Atlanta Incalls & Outcalls)
The Juiciest Treat In The City Is Ready To Be Bitten Rare sbbw More To Play With Tonite!!!!! - 22
(Atlanta, your place)
_______ THe _ PLaYBoY _ MaNSioN _ iS _ MiSSiNG _ oNe ===> S W ee T _ @ S S _ SUGAR _ KANE _______ - 24
(Atlanta, Blondes ... have ... more ... fun!)
==== THE BEST HAS NOW ARRIVED ==== Blonde & Leggy = Sugar Kane ==== Short & Sweet = Karma Love ==== - 23
(Atlanta, The Dynamic Duo! ) ( Buckhead)
The Best Head Ever!!!🙎🏿🍆💦 🌹Phoenix💋 Specials All Day Long!!! - 22
(Atlanta, Otp North, Pleasant Hill, Duluth, North Gwinnett)
♥ Th!cK Th!gh§ °o♥ N!Ce H!P§ °o♥ RouND BooT¥°o♥ Lu§C!ou§ L!P§ °o♥ - 23
THE DOMINICAN & BLK BARBIE IS BACK!!!!! do u miss me??? MS. VONNIE PINK pretty n fun GFE!!! - 20
THe _ PLaYBoY _ MaNSioN _ iS _ MiSSiNG _ oNe ==> CuRVy _ BLoNDe _ PLaYMaTe ==> MeMoRiaL SPeCiaLs! - 24
(Blondes ... have ... more ... fun!)
TH!CK B00tY Fr3@K ☆ DANGEROUS L!PpS ☆ AmAZ!Ng PH@T AZz-:¦:- My SK!llZ aRe "The BEST"! - 24
(Atlanta, Ins:285 (Airport) /Outs 2 EVERYWHERE!)
👅🍓🍒💋🌈 •Th!cK Th!gh§ °👅🍓🍒💋🌈 •N!Ce H!P§ °👅🍓 RouND BooT¥°👅🍓🍒💋🌈 Lu§C!ou§ L!P§ °👅🍓🍒• - 22
(Atlanta, Otp North, South Cobb Dr/ 285/Airport In/Out)
THE (BLISSFUL) BEST Blonde&Leggy; Sugar Kane - or - SENSUAL & Kissable Karma Love! - 23
(Atlanta, CHECK OUT OUR NEW PICS! ) ( Buckhead)
♥ •Th!cK Th!gh§ °o♥ •N!Ce H!P§ °o♥ RouND BooT¥°o♥ Lu§C!ou§ L!P§ °o♥ • - 22
(Otp North, South Cobb Dr/ 20W/Airport In/Out)
=== The 1 & ONLY ==*== MZ SEXI "SaBRINA" ==== R U Ready? **CAll Now** SpEcIaLs$$ - 21
(Atlanta, buckhead/Marietta/downtown Atl)
__ T R e a T __ Y o u R S e L F __ T o __ S o M e T H i N G __ S W ee T __ ===> WHiTe BLoNDe SuGaR - 24
(Blondes ... have ... more ... fun!)
T W O _ K I N D S _ of _ T E M P T A T I O N __ Blonde&Leggy; SUGAR KANE -or- Short&Sweet; KARMA LOVE - 23
(Atlanta, The Dynamic Duo) (Buckhead)
:TasTy Little treaT:) U*L*T*I*M*A*T*E . P*L*E*A*S*U*R*E 100%real pics - 25
(Atlanta, call for location remember hour notice)
( ( ( _ t h e _ P L E A S U R E _ P A I R _ ) ) ) ( ( S u g a r K a n e _ & _ K a r m a L o v e ) ) - 23
(Atlanta, The Dynamic Duo) (Buckhead)
super HOT playMATE .... YUMMY ... super SWEET & T!ght .... WOW wow WOW ... - 20
(airport area/INCALLS)
(Atlanta, your place/ incall covington hwy)
« ★ » SuPeR « ★ » FREAK « ★ » TONITE IS YOUR LUCKY NIGHT**** - 23
(Atlanta, Buford hwy, N durit hill, clairmont)
3 DAYS LEFT Busty Blonde Nice Round Ass ** Outcalls only ** NEW IN TOWN - 21
STOPP🎀🎀best of the best is here and ready..Im 24/7 678¤216¤8733 - 20
(Otp South, Airport area / Union City / 85 South)
—————————— ★ ———————STUNNING *¨¨* HOT *¨¨* Vietnamese*¨¨* GIRL —————————— ★ —————————— - 28
(Atlanta, Your place only!!!!)
*Stunning* --------- *Exotic* ---------- *Playmate* ----------- *Real Pics* - 24
(Atlanta, perimeter mall)
STrAiGhT To ThE PoiNt---> U WANT IT... I GOT IT....lets GO!!!busty curvy and mixed from new york!!! - 25
(Atlanta, your place only)
Stop Craving and Come Fulfill Your Sweet Tooth ⭐⭐⭐ Great Specials 4043995926 - 25
(Otp North, College Park Airport)
~~~SPiCY PUeRTO RiCaN~~~ **** OUTCALL $PECIAL**** Available ALL night ;) - 20
(Atlanta, your place ;))
Spine tingling _j@w dropping_ toe curling _ j@w clenching _eye watering __speechless experience - 20
(Atlanta, Marietta or YOUR Place)
💸SPECIALS. . ✔H💥T ✔BLONDE. . . call 678📞499📞6781 →NEW LooK! 📷 NEW pics!←. .SPECIALS💸 - 23
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta, Outcall/your place)
((specials)) bLK & DoMiNiCaN BARBIE!!!! GIRL OF UR DREAMZ!!! google me baby ??VonniePink - 20
{{SPECIALS}} SeXy NyMpHO {{ Straight FREAK}} ReAdY to GET NaSty With YOU {{ SPECIALS}} - 18
(lavista rd/northlake)
SPECIALS **^W/A*^ MIXED *^*&^*^ Exotic*^ BLONDE/ Brunette ----Treat 4 U*^*^ 2See - 32
Special with the Sexy Lady Next Door- Come See the Fun WE Can Have - 48
(Otp North, Marietta / Kennesaw)