Tue 21 Jan
So MÅNY ChoiC€S BUT NoN€ Lik€ M€••► Marilyn ♥ YoU'LL N€V€R Fo®G€T ME 60 spl - 24
(Otp North, La Vista 285 E)
[SoOo...... HOT! ] nEw eBoNy GoDDeSs ==== > *§uPeR SeXy !!!* * [CLiCk HeRe!] - 23
★ Sp3CI@LS ★ F®@ky To Th CoR :|: PhAt b00tY prE3tYy - 24
(Atlanta, Jonesboro*(In/Outcall)*lawrenceville hwy)
***So DeLICiouS & PreTTy--YouNg, PreGNaNT, WHITE --TaSTy TITTY MiLK!!--$ 100 & up!! - 23
(chamblee 85 / 285)
!!!(Simply^^ Delicious Dominican)!!! new to bp 678-438-7437 - 23
(Atlanta, atlanta/buckhead/Marietta)
❤ *★ "Simply Amazing Encounters" ★ *-:¦:-* ❤ ARIELLA IS VISITING - 29
(Otp North, Kennesaw / Acworth / Outcalls)
SexyBlonde "Bree" w/ Great Reviews for your N@ughty Fun!! IN or OUT - 42
(Atlanta, Alpharetta/ Roswell / 400 N/ Your place)
* ; ** SeXy ThiCk MiXeD FrEaK WiTh DaNgErOuS CuRvEs WaNtS tO mAkE yOu ExXxPLoDe!* &9; ** - 25
(75 SoUtHsIdE/My PlAcE/TaRa BlVd)
Sexy Southern Busty Belle Porn Star Ms Summer LaShay all Natural 40N's.. - 36
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta)
SuPeR SeXy SuPeR ThIcK WeEkEnDs! CuM SeE Me FoR WeEkEnd FuN... Sexy Caramel BBW Angel is Available! - 28
Sexy Sexy Blonde!! 20 Yrs Old !! Hot Face Hot Body!! Girl Next Door Look!! ALL REAL PICS!! - 20
(Atlanta, Your Place only)
SEXY SaBRINA & MiXed "HONEY" ((((((( MID-Day )))))))) ***SPECIALS*** CAll Now - 21 - 21
(Atlanta, Buckhead/Marietta/downtown Atl)
♥::: SEXY PETiTE!! ----->> *»-(¯MIXED BOMSHELL ♥¯) * »- :::♥ (1OO% REAL ):: - 19
(Otp North, peachtree ind)
__ Sexy Hott Slim Blonde _____ Chick __Just ___For ____You __ Bad Boy !!!!!!!! - 24
(Atlanta, midtown/ Marietta)
____ (¯`v´¯) Y O U __ D E S E R V E __ T H E __ B E S T (¯`v´¯)(¯`v´¯) _ IncaLL SpecialS - 21
(N Atlanta/Marietta Incall & Outcalls)
sexy Exotic puerto rican girl new in town ready to have a good time fetish friendly $50 - 21
(Otp East, Jimmy carter)
SeXy !!! GorGeOuS !!!! BusTy !!! All iN oNe PaCkaGe !!! OutCallS IncAllS!!! - 99
sexy Exotic puerto rican girl ready to show you a good time PLEASE DONT CALL IF U ARE NOT SERIOUS - 21
(Otp North, 285east lavista rd.)
💝💝💝SEXY BRUNETTE*** ReaL PIctures **SEXXI BRUNETTE! ***ALL NIGHT FUN *** Discreet n Sexxi**💝💝💝 - 23
((Your Place)✴OUTCALLS ONLY✴(Your Place), Atlanta)
@ @ @ @ Sexy Ebony Non Pro @ @ Seeks Long Term Arrangment @ @ @ @ - 28
(Atlanta, your place/sometimes mine)
sexy exotic puerto rican girl ready to show you a good time fetish friendly $65 call right now - 21
(Otp East, lawrenville hwy..lavista rd)
SeXy ChOcOlAtE BiG BoOtY FrEaK SpLs All DaY LoNg CaLl Me! - 25
(Atlanta, duluth/norcross/lawrenceville/lilburn)
Sexy Blonde "Bree" w/ Great reviews for N@ughty Fun!! IN or OUT - 40
(Atlanta, Alpharetta Roswell / 400 or Your Place)
💚💜💙 (( SEXY BLONDE BEAUTY )) 🇺🇸💜 OUTCALL SPECIALS ◆ Real PICS, Real FUN 💥✨💥◆ 🇺🇸💛💜🇺🇸 - 22
(Atlanta, YOUR PLACE)
Sexy Busty Brunette Babe 5 Star Provider Incall and Outcall Specials - 32
(Atlanta Metro / My House Smyrna)
Sexy Blonde "Bree" w/ GREAT Reviews for your EROTIC Pleasure! INCALL or OUTCALLS - 39
(Atlanta, Roswell/Alpharetta 400 or Your Place)
SEXY attractive EBONY * 5 * STAR sVc *'*HUGE DONK** I Look BeTTer in PERson!! In/OutCall - 28
Sexy Blonde "BREE" w/ GREAT Reviews for your EROTIC Pleasure! INCALL or OUTCALLS - 40
(Atlanta, Alpharetta Roswell / 400 or Your Place)
SEXY attractive EBONY*5*STAR sVc*'*"IM FEEELIING REAL FREAKY! " NeW PiCs!!!! AVAI L NOW!!*'* - 29
Sexy Blonde "Bree" w/ GREAT Reviews for your EROTIC Pleasure! INCALLS / OUTCALLS - 38
(Atlanta, Roswell/Alpharetta/your Place)
Sexy & Mature Blonde, "Bree" w/ GREAT Reviews for your EROTIC Pleasure! INCALLS / OUTCALLS - 39
(Atlanta, Roswell/Alpharetta 400 or Your Place)
🍒SeXxy ReddBone Freak💦 OUTCALLS to Blk Men 35+ Only! - 26
(Atlanta, Otp East, Otp North, Otp West, Your Place (hr notice required))
(Tara blvd /Windy Hill)
SEXY 5***** BEAUTY !!! 34..22..36 !! SOFT BODY !! COME SMACK THIS PHAT A$$ - 21
(N.Druidd Hills/Tara blvd)
*****SEXXXII BRUNETTE*** ReaL Pics°** TRUE DESIRES+ SEXXI BRUNETTE! NO Drama or Games w/ ME!!****** - 23
((Your Place)✴OUTCALLS ONLY✴(Your Place), Atlanta)
((Secret Companions)) !!!Upscale Escorts!!! Mind Blowing Prices!!! 65.100.160!!! SHH N COME C!! - 20
*****SEE WHY YOU CANT GET ENOUGH***** *****404 553-4925***** KANDII - 23
(Atlanta, 285 north / Airport / Downtown/ Buckhead)
S W E E T _ & _ S A T i S F Y i N G _ R E D H E @ D _ ! _ Kissable _ P E T i T E _ Cutie - Pie ! - 23
(Atlanta, Tempting RedHE@D SPeCiaLs!)
S * W * E * E * T S*U*L*T*RY @ Body __by Model SYMPHANY ( Five Stars ! ) Down town location !!!!! - 25
*¨¨* SATISFACTION ×X× *¨¨*IS*¨¨* MY ×X× *¨¨* B3ST *¨¨* QU@LITY! ×X× *¨¨* GU@RANT33D * - 23
(ATL airport limited time)
(•©•:* S U P E R •©•:* S E X Y *:•©•:* COLOMBIAN*:•©•:* BEAUTY*:•©) - 26
(Atlanta, Atlanta your place only!!!)
❤ S E X Y ❤ I T A L I A N ❤ B R U N E T T E ❤ A V A I L A B L E ❤N O W - 22
(Atlanta, OUTCALL - YOUR PLACE - Hotel Friendly!)
*¨¨* SATISFACTION ×X× *¨¨*IS*¨¨* MY ×X× *¨¨* B3ST *¨¨* QU@LITY! ×X× *¨¨* GU@RANT33D * - 23
I Know A PlAcE Where The Grass is Really GreenER! * Warm - Wet * & * Wild - * A Dream Come True! - 23
(atlanta marietta smyrna)
** S ** T ** U ** N ** N ** I ** N ** G ** jusT c 4 youRselF !!!! - 26
(Atlanta, YOUR PLACE ONLY!!!!)
♥S U P E R **♥** H O T T♥ - 24
Remember me😉Sweet 🍬🍭Redbone! They call me Ms. Pretty P🐱y!! Outcalls Only! - 26
(Atlanta, Otp East, Otp South, Otp West, Your Place (30 min notice required))
🍒🍒🍒 RED Haired Porcelain Doll 🍒🍒🍒 Petite DDD'S 🍒🍒🍒 Out Calls Only 🍒🍒🍒 - 44
(Atlanta, Atlanta ~ Out Call ~ Your Place, City of Atlanta)
!$@!!$$!$ Red Bone Mixed Thick Dream Chick #$$ Virginia Ave/Airport - 24
(Atlanta, Virginia Ave/CollegePark/Airport)
!$@!!$$!$ Red Bone Mixed Thick Dream Chick #$@:-)$ Chamblee Tucker Rd - 24
(Atlanta, Chamblee Tucker Rd/Atlanta Downtown)
READY -:¦:- TO -:¦:- PLAY -:¦:- WITH -:¦:- YOU ☆°o*°o - -R U READY ???
(Marietta// incall // outcall)
Real video Real pics Hot Mami Dominican Hottie outcalls only - 22
________ ReaDy _ To _ GeT _ SoMeTHiNG _ SWeeT ===> SUGAR KANE ===> SaTiSFaCTioN _ GaRuNTeeD - 24
(Atlanta, Blondes ... have ... more ... fun!)
{{RARE}} ___ I-N-D-I-A-N __&__ A-S-I-A-N ___ & ___ More EXOTIC GirLS __ AVAILABLE TODAY (New PIcs) - 21
(Atlanta, Metro Atlanta Incalls & Outcalls)