Sun 26 Jan
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It In The ??? ~~ (( OileD & ReaDy )) o_O - 29
(Atlanta, I-20e conyers private residence)
YeS, Sweetie ~~ ~~ ( NeW PiCs) FulFill Your Fantasy!!! - 30
(Otp East, Conyers/Incall i-20 east Prvte resdnce)
~Yes, Sweetie I Do Love ? In The ???~ (CeRTiFieD ChoCoLaTe FreaK ) Be @s Freaky @s U WaNNa~ - 30
(Atlanta, Conyers/Covington area Incall prvte res)
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It In The ??? ~~ ( NeW PiCs) FulFill Your Fantasy!!! - 30
(Otp East, Conyers/Incall i-20 east Prvte resdnce)
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It ? The ??? ~~ ( EaRly BirD Spcls) Oiled & ReaDy - 30
(Otp East, Conyers Incall Privte Resdnce)
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It ? The ??? ~~ ( OiLeD & ReaDy) FulFill Your Fantasy!!! spcls - 30
(Otp East, i-2oE Conyers PrivRes)
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It In The ??? ~~ ( ConYers Incalls) FulFill Your Fantasy!!! - 30
(Atlanta, In: Salem Rd. Conyers I-20east)
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It In The ??? ~~ ( OiLeD & ReaDy) FulFill Your Fantasy!!! - 30
(Atlanta, In: Salem Rd. Conyers I-20east)
×°x°× ★.o°* Mzz. PiE-Let's HAVe FUN!!!--$50 Donation Special- * °o. ★×°x°×. - - 25
🌼S—w—€—€—T—— L—!—k—€ —🐝—H—o—N—€—y 🌴———°ó §—U—P—€—R————°ó §—€—X—Y! ★ - 30
🌼S—w—€—€—T—— L—!—k—€ —🐝—H—o—N—€—y 🌴———°ó §—U—P—€—R————°ó §—€—X—Y! ★ - 30
(( SuP3R EveryTHinG )) ~~ YeS!! I LiKe IT In The ??? ~~ (( SpeCi@ls)) - 29
(Atlanta, Conyers/Incall i-20 east)
((( SpeCials ))) ~~ ** UnDeniable ChoCoLaTe Beauty w/ BooTy ** ~~ ((( SpeCials ))) - 28
(Conyers INCALLS)
(((SMooTh THiCk ChoCoL@Te))) HoW EVER U WaNt It [✔] WheN U WaNt It [✔] - 29
(Conyers Incalls.. I-20 East)
Soft Slippery and Warm 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌Carmen 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌 5 star 👌👌👌678-913-8204 - 23
(Atlanta, clairmont road exit 91 buford hwy)
Tue 21 Jan
^~ YOUR ~^~ •♥ • SEXY ~^~ LITTLE ~^~ SECRET ~^~•♥•~^ U_P__A _L_L__N _I _T_E __•★• - 22
(Atlanta, ALL AROUND)
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It In The ??? ((FRe@kY 2 Th@ CoRe)) - 29
(Atlanta, I-20e conyers private residence)
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It ? The ??? ~~ ( OiLeD & ReaDy) FulFill Your Fantasy!!! - 30
(Otp East, Conyers Incall Privte Resdnce)
×°x°× ★.o°* Mzz. PiE-Let's HAv3 FUN!!--$60 Donation Special- * °o. ★×°x°×. - - 25
(Atlanta, CLAiRMONT RD Between 85 & BUFORD HWY)
♥ What More Could U Ask For? ♥ YouR Azzmazing FeTisH FreaK ♥ U Like It I LoVe It ♥ - 30
(Atlanta, lithonia/conyers/covington incall/outs2)
« ★ » SuPeR « ★ » FREAK « ★ » TONITE IS YOUR LUCKY NIGHT**** - 23
(Atlanta, Buford hwy, N durit hill, clairmont)
(( SuP3R JuiCy EveryTHinG )) NeW PiCs ~~ YeS!! I LiKe IT In The ??? ~~ (( $80 SpeCi@ls)) - 29
(Atlanta, Conyers/Incall i-20 east)
SEXY ☰☰☰☰☰☰ HOT & SWEET ☰☰☰☰☰☰ INCALL ☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰ ✦✦ BARBIE BOMBSHELL ✦✦☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰ - 21
💕ρυRε ρℓ℮αδυRε💕 τθρ Qυαℓιτγ Masssage Included🎀UpScale Pℓαγmαtε ░• CLICK Here - 30
Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
Wed 08 Jan
YeS, Sweetie ~~ ( OiLeD & ReaDy) FulFill Your Fantasy!!! - 30
(Otp East, i-2o east.. Conyers/ Privte Resdnce)
Tue 07 Jan
((((( ViSiT DREA's ★ ENCHANTED CHoCoLaTe ★ WiNTeR WONDERLAND ))))) - 28
(In:Conyers/Covington Area-Salem Rd.)
Mon 06 Jan
((Speci@Ls)) YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It EvErYWheRe ((FRe@kY 2 Th@ CoRe)) - 29
(Atlanta, Conyers/Incall i-20 east Prvte resdnce)
💜💜💜💜 Sexy Seductive💋💋💋💋💋Gorgeous Nina💞💋💜💜💜~~ REVIEWED💋💋🏆🏆🏆💗💗💗💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 - 30
(Atlanta, Clairmont Rd North druid hills, Otp North)
*S *e* d *u *c* t *i *v* e* E~ x ~ o ~T ~ i ~C** ~SERENITY~ 24/7 service - 25
(Atlanta, Clairmont/ Buford hwy)
♥ ♥ ♥ █► SeXy aSiAn 100% REAL █► ♥ ♥ ♥ (($100 Specials )) - 22
(Atlanta, Buckhead,Lenox,North druid hills,i 85)
💄🍒🍭💞StUnNiNg 💖BeAuTiFuL 💄🍒🍭💞 sO SExY •💖㊙💯% ASiAn ⭐ ViXeN!! ㊗💖$100 Special 💞 - 23
(Atlanta, jimmy carter,norcross, shallowford, i 85)
Sun 05 Jan
♡ Reviewed ♡♥ Mistress♥OUTCALLS ONLY NewPICS♥ Uρscαℓε ♡♥ gorgεous ♡♥ - 30
Sat 04 Jan
YouR DreaM GirL ~ ~~ ~ _______ _______ _________ __________ ___________ $$pL$$$ ! !! - 28
(Otp East, Near Lavista Rd 285 N)
ೋ U N_ L_ I_ M _ I _ T _ E _D ೋ C_H_O_C_O _L_A_T_E ೋ P_L_E_A_ S_U_R_E ೋ - 28
*~** S+E -R _E _N, I+ T_ Y *Seductive, petite, brunette,24/7* 330~785~8064 - 25
(Atlanta, Buford hwy & Clairmont)
Fri 03 Jan
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It ? The ??? ~~ ( EaRly BirD Spcls) - 30
(Otp East, Conyers Incall Privte Resdnce)
Thick like🍯 sweet like chocolate 🍫👈tight grips 💦😻Soft Lips💋 Specials😘 - 21
(Atlanta, Buford hwy Clairmont North Druid Hill, City of Atlanta)
* Super Outcall SpL!__Dime! Piece! __ E*___ x __ O ____ T __ i __ C ____ (100% Discrete & Real Deal! - 28
(Otp South, Airport near Sullivan Rd & 85)
Thu 02 Jan