Sun 26 Jan
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It In The ??? ~~ (( OileD & ReaDy )) o_O - 29
(Atlanta, I-20e conyers private residence)
YeS, Sweetie ~~ ~~ ( NeW PiCs) FulFill Your Fantasy!!! - 30
(Otp East, Conyers/Incall i-20 east Prvte resdnce)
~Yes, Sweetie I Do Love ? In The ???~ (CeRTiFieD ChoCoLaTe FreaK ) Be @s Freaky @s U WaNNa~ - 30
(Atlanta, Conyers/Covington area Incall prvte res)
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It In The ??? ~~ ( NeW PiCs) FulFill Your Fantasy!!! - 30
(Otp East, Conyers/Incall i-20 east Prvte resdnce)
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It ? The ??? ~~ ( EaRly BirD Spcls) Oiled & ReaDy - 30
(Otp East, Conyers Incall Privte Resdnce)
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It In The ??? ~~ (( OileD & ReaDy )) FulFill Your Fantasy!!! - 29
(Atlanta, In: i-20 east Conyers/Covington)
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It ? The ??? ~~ ( OiLeD & ReaDy) FulFill Your Fantasy!!! spcls - 30
(Otp East, i-2oE Conyers PrivRes)
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It In The ??? ~~ ( ConYers Incalls) FulFill Your Fantasy!!! - 30
(Atlanta, In: Salem Rd. Conyers I-20east)
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It In The ??? ~~ ( OiLeD & ReaDy) FulFill Your Fantasy!!! - 30
(Atlanta, In: Salem Rd. Conyers I-20east)
**ThiCk N' PRetty 38DDD____ TaTTooEd EbOnY blOnDe _____PArtY _GirL ___4 BoOtY n BoOb LoVeRs - 28
(Otp North, 285 / 85n BOOBS & BOOTY __ IN/OUT)
**ThiCk N' PRetty 38DDD____ TaTTooEd EbOnY blOnDe _____PArtY _GirL ___4 BoOtY n BoOb LoVeRs - 28
(Otp North, 285 / 85n BOOBS & BOOTY __ IN/OUT)
(( SuP3R EveryTHinG )) ~~ YeS!! I LiKe IT In The ??? ~~ (( SpeCi@ls)) - 29
(Atlanta, Conyers/Incall i-20 east)
((( S@Tisf@cTioN Not JuST Attr@cTioN ))) ~~ YeS!! I LiKe IT In The ??? ~~ (( GRoWN WoMaN SkiLLs - 29
(Atlanta, In: i-20 east Conyers/Covington)
((( SpeCials ))) ~~ ** UnDeniable ChoCoLaTe Beauty w/ BooTy ** ~~ ((( SpeCials ))) - 28
(Conyers INCALLS)
(((SMooTh THiCk ChoCoL@Te))) HoW EVER U WaNt It [✔] WheN U WaNt It [✔] - 29
(Conyers Incalls.. I-20 East)
((((SIzzLIN HOT))))))) _____ ____ ___O.m.G 52in AzZ_ __-------_(((( TaTtOoEd BaRbiE BBW PINUP))) __ - 27
(Plus Sized Beauty for BIG, Bold, FUN!)
☛ SKIP the FAKE KITTY - I GOT ALL the SWEET and JUICY YOU NEED!~~~ Private Incall~ ☚
(Stone Mountain Lithonia Conyers 285/78)
SExXxY EXoTiC & Deliciously Kinky!!!!! The Perfect Combination For a Taste of Seduction!
Tue 21 Jan
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It In The ??? ((FRe@kY 2 Th@ CoRe)) - 29
(Atlanta, I-20e conyers private residence)
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It In The ??? ~~ FulFil your FanTasy ((Oiled & Ready )) - 30
(Atlanta, In: Salem Rd. Conyers I-20east)
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It ? The ??? ~~ ( OiLeD & ReaDy) FulFill Your Fantasy!!! - 30
(Otp East, Conyers Incall Privte Resdnce)
♥ What More Could U Ask For? ♥ YouR Azzmazing FeTisH FreaK ♥ U Like It I LoVe It ♥ - 30
(Atlanta, lithonia/conyers/covington incall/outs2)
* VIP * Exclusive & Exotic *Stunning & Stellar* ( *G*F*E*/P*S*E ) Classy & The Total Package
(Gfe/Pse/Fetish/Couples/Personal Videos)
VIP = + = + Sexy...Petite and Deliciously Naughty !!! = I'm Just What Your Body Needs = + = +
(Gfe/Pse - Stone Mountain Park / Atlanta)
*THiS deAL CoULD GO ALL tHe WAy! ... TOUCH DOWN!!! ....** Gfe/Pse** SuPeR BOwL Specials
(Stone Mountain Atlanta Lawrenceville)
((( THiCk ChoCoL@Te SMooThie ))) HoW EVER U WaNt It [✔] WheN U WaNt It [✔] - 29
(Conyers Incalls.. I-20 East-- 65.80.140)
(( SuP3R JuiCy EveryTHinG )) NeW PiCs ~~ YeS!! I LiKe IT In The ??? ~~ (( $80 SpeCi@ls)) - 29
(Atlanta, Conyers/Incall i-20 east)
~ SuPeR BiG __ B_O_O_T_Y_ L_I _C_I_O_U_S ~* - - ~38ddd -~*~ So HOT'n WILD ~*~ - - - THiCK THiGHS - 31
(Otp East, Smothering _ F@cesitting _ Fetish_ Toys)
~ SuPeR BiG __ B_O_O_T_Y_ L_I _C_I_O_U_S ~*BBW - - ~38ddd -~*~ So HOT'n WILD ~*~ - - - THiCK THiGHS - 28
(Otp East, 85/285---IN/OUT---- ThIcK - N - WilD)
** ====== S_U_P_E_R_* *_D_O_O_P_E_R ~~~ T_H_I_C_K _ _ - -_ _- E_b_on_Y_- °♥ - - - 38DDD VIXEN - 28
(Atlanta, _285/85_ -_____ LINGERIE MOVIES AND TOYS)
Mon 06 Jan
((Speci@Ls)) YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It EvErYWheRe ((FRe@kY 2 Th@ CoRe)) - 29
(Atlanta, Conyers/Incall i-20 east Prvte resdnce)
Sun 05 Jan
Sat 04 Jan
ೋ U N_ L_ I_ M _ I _ T _ E _D ೋ C_H_O_C_O _L_A_T_E ೋ P_L_E_A_ S_U_R_E ೋ - 28
**ThiCk N' PRetty 38DDD____ TaTTooEd EbOnY blOnDe _____**NeW pics**______ ___4 BoOtY n BoOb LoVeRs - 28
(Otp North, 285/85------- BIG B*O*O*T*Y ______IN/OUT)
Fri 03 Jan
((( YeS, Sweetie~~ I Do LOVE it EvErYWheRe ~~ SToP By & See ? ))) $80 - 29
(Atlanta, Conyers/Incall i-20 east Prvte resdnce)
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It ? The ??? ~~ ( EaRly BirD Spcls) - 30
(Otp East, Conyers Incall Privte Resdnce)
VIP= + = + Sexy...Petite and Deliciously Naughty !!! = I'm Just What Your Body Needs = + = +
(Stn Mountain Lithonia Covington Atlanta)
Thu 02 Jan
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It In The ??? ~~ (OileD & ReaDy) FulFil your Every FanTasy - 30
(Atlanta, In: Salem Rd. Conyers I-20east)
((( YeS, Sweetie~~ I Do LOVE it EvErYWheRe ~~ SToP By & See ? ))) - 29
(Atlanta, Conyers/Incall i-20 east Prvte resdnce)
**ThiCk N' PRetty 38DDD____ TaTTooEd EbOnY blOnDe _____60/100/160_ ___ ___4 BoOtY n BoOb LoVeRs - 28
(Otp North, 285/85------- BIG B*O*O*T*Y ______IN/OUT)