Mon 27 Jan
**HoT ..BRaziLIan PLayMaTE !!! ~*~ & CUbaN BOmBShELL !!! 2 EXoTiC PLaYmATeS !
(Marietta//80QK.LUNCH SPECIAL)
Sun 26 Jan
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It In The ??? ~~ (( OileD & ReaDy )) o_O - 29
(Atlanta, I-20e conyers private residence)
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It In The ??? ~~ ( NeW PiCs) FulFill Your Fantasy!!! - 30
(Otp East, Conyers/Incall i-20 east Prvte resdnce)
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It ? The ??? ~~ ( EaRly BirD Spcls) Oiled & ReaDy - 30
(Otp East, Conyers Incall Privte Resdnce)
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It ? The ??? ~~ ( OiLeD & ReaDy) FulFill Your Fantasy!!! spcls - 30
(Otp East, i-2oE Conyers PrivRes)
WoW💋♥☆((Hot N ThicK) )BlOnDe•☆♥•° 60hh 80 hour •★• OoH SoO HoT •☆♥INCALL•☆• °°•★ 24/7 ! - 24
(Atlanta, duluth norcross 24/7 INCALL OnLY SPECIAL)
____ (¯`v´¯) Y O U __ D E S E R V E __ T H E __ B E S T (¯`v´¯)(¯`v´¯) _______ TreaT YouRSeLF - 21
(N Atlanta/Marietta Incall & Outcalls)
Tru BabyDoll Brunette. Toned ((TIGHT& WET GUARANTEED)) Atlanta's -- B-E-S-T -- male 80$ qk!! - 20
(marietta/smyrna~ South Cobb Dr.)
****Thick Curvy ebony Cutie wit a Soft Round BOOTY... Who wanna make ME look back at IT?**** - 25
(Otp East, Hwy78 Incalls/Outcall $pecial$)
There _ is _ NO _ s u b s t i t u t e! ===> The _ O N E _ and _ O N L Y ===> CuRVy BLONDE PRiNCeSS - 24
(Atlanta, Blondes ... have ... more ... fun!)
The Queen of Diamonds Seeks Her King of Hearts.... - 39
(Atlanta, Your Clandestine Escape - Buckhead/Lenox)
TAKE IT OFF THURSDAYS!! with Mizz Kashmere! In&Out; Calls All Day and All Night *404 749 8168* - 19
(Otp South, In & Out/Union City/Airport/Atlanta)
Take a bite out of a thick chocolate Haitian. Moiste slippery and available for pro!!!! - 21
(Airport, old Dixie hwy, forest park, Atlanta, Otp South)
T_R_ Y__ ❤ __ ME __ ❤ __I_'M_ ❤ __T_H_E __ ❤ _B _ E_ S_ T new in town - 20
❤💋——💋❤💋[[ SWEET ]]💋❤💋[[ SENSUAL ]]💋❤💋[[ & READY TO ROCK YOUR WORLD! ]]💋❤💋[[ LATINA]]💋❤💋 - 21
(Otp West, I-85 S, Union City, Hwy 138, Fairburn)
💞 Sweet💞 Sexxy💞 Girl💞 Next💞 Door💞💋 Never Rushed💋 - 20
(Atlanta, In/Out Call, Otp East, Otp North, Otp South, Otp West)
Sweet sexy MARILYN MONROE with JLO curves *********2 girl love specials******** - 34
(Otp South, airport area)
SWeeT, FReaKy BRoWN SuGaR~ CuTe FaCe~ LiL WaiST~ NiCe TiTTyS~ I WiLL Do WHaT WaNT Me To~ ReaDy NoW! - 18
(LiTHoNiA-20 EasT)
SWeEt 🍭🍫🍬🍒, DiSCrEeT, CoLLeGe CuTIe 💁 - 23
(Atlanta, Chastain@75 in and out-call available, City of Atlanta, Otp North)
Sweet Petit Makenzie Available All day Incall Outcall - 22
(Otp South, Kennesaw marrietta woodstock)
. Sweet bottom * New Orleans Finest * Out calls only 504-308-2319 - 21
(Otp North, local Kennesaw.,Marietta,Smyrna out. cal)
**SUPERBAD** Super Sexy Exotic... Available With SPeciaLs.. 100% spcls - 21
(Atlanta, North Druid/85/Buckhead)
SUPER SEXY petite italian bombshell , look no further, companionship at its finest , ...... - 23
(Otp North, the southside)
(( SuP3R EveryTHinG )) ~~ YeS!! I LiKe IT In The ??? ~~ (( SpeCi@ls)) - 29
(Atlanta, Conyers/Incall i-20 east)
Stressfree Erotic Specials with A Sexy Big Booty Chick - 27
(Otp South, 675 South of Ellenwood Area)
((( SpeCials ))) ~~ ** UnDeniable ChoCoLaTe Beauty w/ BooTy ** ~~ ((( SpeCials ))) - 28
(Conyers INCALLS)
SO MANY NeW GirLS To ChOOsE FroM _____ (( NEW GiRLS )) ____ ((TaKe YouR PiCK)) __ (G.F.E __ FUN) - 21
(N Atlanta/Marietta Incall & Outcalls)
(((SMooTh THiCk ChoCoL@Te))) HoW EVER U WaNt It [✔] WheN U WaNt It [✔] - 29
(Conyers Incalls.. I-20 East)
❤️❤️❤️ Slippery Soaked Specials !!! Let me come out the rain❤️❤️ Dripping with Sin ❤️❤️❤️ ashley - 20
(Atlanta, I20 west Thorton rd area)
SkilLS ThaT r UnMeasurablE... TimE SpenT WitH ME iS SurE To B PleasurablE ***$40 SpEcI@L$*** - 25
(Atlanta, Atlanta/CollegePark/Riverdale/BUCKHEAD)
Smooth chocolate skin let me be your fudge sunday on this hot day...haitian beauty ready to please - 21
(Atlanta, Old dixie hwy in calls, Otp South)
☛ SKIP the FAKE KITTY - I GOT ALL the SWEET and JUICY YOU NEED!~~~ Private Incall~ ☚
(Stone Mountain Lithonia Conyers 285/78)
She IS A CAR With NO OIL -I S000@K The Bed!! ... PHAT AZZZzz _DOoes MY NAME T@$TE GOOD H@? - 101
(Atlanta, S. MORROW or 285 DUNWOODY-OUTs2)
*;) Sexy*Sweet *Puerto* Rican*Treat*;) ..100$ inn*call - 23
(Otp North, 1*508*232*8767-incalls,*special* 100$)
She can't get it right I am back u no 50 qv just hit when u ready 3055701107 - 26
(Atlanta, Candler rd, Otp East)
SExXxY EXoTiC & Deliciously Kinky!!!!! The Perfect Combination For a Taste of Seduction!
Sensual & curvaceous redhead ❤️ Stina of Atlanta - 33
(Athens, Atlanta, City of Atlanta, Dunwoody, Otp East, Otp North)
Seductive MILF "Bree" Well reviewed ,Sexy Blonde GFE !! IN or OUT - 37
(Roswell / Alpharetta /Your place)
Tue 21 Jan
Your Choice of a Tiny or Curvaceous Blonde or Have the Best of Both Worlds! - 20
(Atlanta, Buckhead)
~❤~ xXxPeRieNCe 100% UNRUSHED GFE PLEASURE ~❤~ 77o -89f!ve- 437four
(Windy Hill / SmyRna / MaRietta In or Out)
YES IM BACK Red VelVet Cake 2296305249 come where its Geechie Made Boo - 24
(Otp South, cascade westend 20w 285 westside)
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It ? The ??? ~~ ( OiLeD & ReaDy) FulFill Your Fantasy!!! - 30
(Otp East, Conyers Incall Privte Resdnce)
Y O U R # 1 C H O I CE :¦:S T O P & T A K E A :¦:LO O K :¦: NO BAIT & SWITCH - 19
(Atlanta, 100 Incall / Outcall Special)
Worked Hard?... ENJOY the Magical Powers of PLEASURE at the Sight & FEEL of an Exquisite Seductress
(78 East Stn Mnt/285 Perimeter)
Why Not Treat Yourself to an Insatiable Storm of Sexy . . . Visiting Atl. NOW . . . $225 per hr !!!! - 23
(Atlanta, Atlanta, Marietta, Norcross, Stone Mt.)
White College Girl Looking for Fun :) outcall only please;) upscale locations only - 20
(Atlanta, kennesaw/merrietta area)
WANNA PLAY WITH MY BIG BOOTY????NO} Im Not A Peach: CHECK MY REVIEWS # 130993 =)**LeTs Make A MoviE - 69
♨ ♨ Wa Wa Spa!! Best Asian Table Shower & Massage!!! Visit Today!! - 28
(Midtown / Downtown / Buckhead)
Wanna Have Some Fun? Mz TableTop ATL is here to please!! Come have some drinks at this TOP SELF!!! - 22
°*ஐ*° °*ஐ*° VOLUPTUOUS, Sexy, BUSTY BLoNDE / NeW n ToWN °*ஐ*° - 27
* VIP * Exclusive & Exotic *Stunning & Stellar* ( *G*F*E*/P*S*E ) Classy & The Total Package
(Gfe/Pse/Fetish/Couples/Personal Videos)
VIP = + = + Sexy...Petite and Deliciously Naughty !!! = I'm Just What Your Body Needs = + = +
(Gfe/Pse - Stone Mountain Park / Atlanta)
VISITING ▂ ▃ ▃ ▂ Beautiful Asian PORN STAR ▂ ▃ ▃ ▂ 404-919-9116 - 25
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta, Galleria Buckhead Marietta Alpharetta)